wrong resolution in X (sometimes)

Lutzer M.Lutzer at gmx.de
Sun Apr 23 16:10:59 UTC 2006

Using MSI Megabook S260 with an internal screen of 1280x800. After
starting the system sometimes the screen resolution is set to 1024x768
instead of the correct one. I can't recognize any reason for this
behaviour. Sometimes to restart the gdm (execute "/etc/init.d/gdm
restart") cause X to use the proper resolution; sometimes not. Problem
appears with Breezy and Dapper Live Beta. Attached are some logfiles
according to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingXAutoconfiguration using
the Dapper live system. Any ideas?

Please mail me if the Xorg.0.log is needed because it does exceed the
size limit in this mailinglist.
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