repartitioning USB Storage and U3

William Stephens wstephens10 at
Sat Apr 22 18:30:09 UTC 2006


I just got a new USB Flash drive and has this U3 junk on it. 

When I plug it in on my wife's win2k laptop it loads up fine and starts
this annoying U3 launchpad thing.

On my breezy it loads up fine and mounts a cdrom device at the same
time. I'm guessing this is the U3 crap annoying me again.

So in order to rid myself of this problem I ran cfdisk and deleted all
the partition i saw and wrote a new one and then formatted it with mkfs.
I got rid of some nonessential files on the drive, yet U3 crap is still

I'm a linux newbie and not too familiar with cfdisk or mkfs. Everything
is working fine, I just need help getting rid of this 30MB worth of crap
I can't seem to find.

William S.

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