Setting up a second monitor

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Fri Apr 21 14:29:13 UTC 2006

Karl Auer wrote:
> Really. Oooookay. What about common objects like potatoes and chickens?

What about them?

> Do you think there might be a reason why all microwave ovens are
> basically metal boxes?

I'm sure there is, but I don't know it. Notice how that ignorance 
doesn't prevent me from using a microwave :)

> Why there is a metal mesh on the door glass?

Because a metal mesh won't make the microwave explode.

> Why microwave repeaters (and satellite dishes) are made of (or coated with)
> metal?

I already explained this. It's an antena. Electromagnetic radiation is 
an alternating magnetic field, hence it induces an alternating current 
on metal (technically, it induces a current on anything, but metal works 
best because the electrons are poorly associated with their parent atoms 
- this is the same reason why metals are good conductors of 
electricity). An antena is designed to maximize this effect (the induced 
current), so that the current can be detectable and then translated into 
video or sound.

>>Ah, you don't know where I set the line. All I've said so far is:
>>* Man pages are not the right place for a newbie to start.
> I agree!


>>* You don't need to understand the Otto cycle to use a car.
> No. But you do need to understand quite a lot more than "nothing", which
> is what Jean (?) was saying.

Maybe Jean didn't mean "nothing" that literally.

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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