GUI backup tools (was Re: Destroying "only" your home directory)

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Wed Apr 5 07:54:32 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 01:53 -0500, Kenneth P. Turvey wrote:

> The fact is that for $100 in hardware you can reduce your backup time down
> to around 2 minutes.  I'm not sure how much your time is worth to you, but
> I think mine is worth more than that. 

I already did incremental backups to CD-RWs five years ago with a simple
program that cost me nothing and had an easy to use graphical user
interface. It didn't take much time either (because it was incremental)
- I was very satisfied. I used Windows back then.

> People complain on this list when you say that hardware is the answer, but
> it really is the answer for this.  Either you spend the money on
> multifunctional hardware or you spend the money on a backup system that
> meets your specification.

I still don't understand why you insist that everybody should go with
your solution. People have different preferences and views. Some people
just don't want to spend more money on their computer than they have

Don't forget that many people could just dream of buying a $100 backup
solution. Not all users of Ubuntu live in wealthy countries.

What is it with you and optical disks? What did they ever do to
you?! ;-)


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