GUI backup tools (was Re: Destroying "only" your home directory)

Kenneth P. Turvey kt-usenet at
Wed Apr 5 06:53:19 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 02:43:58 +0300, Ari Torhamo wrote:

> Is it the way to go in your opinion to spend more than 30 minutes every
> day for backing up files? Is it the way to go to tell someone else waiting
> for he's/her turn to use the computer: "I'm finnished here. I'll just back
> up my stuff first - it'll only take 30 minutes"? I wouldn't even want to
> keep my optical drive occupied for half an hour every day - I'd rather use
> it for listening music, for example.

If I was going to have to spend that much time making backups I would
consider different hardware or becoming competent at using tar and
cdrecord so you could automate them, use compression, and limit the
backups to only those things that need to be backed up.  

The fact is that for $100 in hardware you can reduce your backup time down
to around 2 minutes.  I'm not sure how much your time is worth to you, but
I think mine is worth more than that. 

People complain on this list when you say that hardware is the answer, but
it really is the answer for this.  Either you spend the money on
multifunctional hardware or you spend the money on a backup system that
meets your specification.

> As it's been said many times, software gets better by listening what
> people need, instead of telling them. I'm not worried though - there seem
> to be quite a many listening ears around Ubuntu :-)
> Ari
- -- 
Kenneth P. Turvey <kt-usenet at>

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