GUI backup tools (was Re: Destroying "only" your home directory)

Chanchao custom at
Wed Apr 5 08:49:34 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 10:54 +0300, Ari Torhamo wrote:

> > The fact is that for $100 in hardware you can reduce your backup time down
> > to around 2 minutes.  I'm not sure how much your time is worth to you, but
> > I think mine is worth more than that. 
> I already did incremental backups to CD-RWs five years ago with a simple
> program that cost me nothing and had an easy to use graphical user
> interface. It didn't take much time either (because it was incremental)
> - I was very satisfied. 

5 years ago you didn't have a couple of gigabytes in home videos, and
'All Music Ever Produced In The History of Mankind' on mp3. A 700 MB Cd
ROm was a lot then.  A 4/9 Gb DVD was huge. 

Now... it's nothing, it's slow, expensive per Mb/Gb, labour intensive,
fiddly, prone to wear.

> Don't forget that many people could just dream of buying a $100 backup
> solution. Not all users of Ubuntu live in wealthy countries.

If you can afford a DVD burner and endless DVD media then you can afford
an external harddrive. :)   

Or just don't back up.  They don't wear helmets when riding motorcycles,
so why would they care about their data more than their heads? :)

> What is it with you and optical disks? What did they ever do to
> you?! ;-)

Hahahahahaha.. Well they're slow, expensive, fiddly, ......  :)

They're excellent for burning a home video and sending it to your folks
so they can view  it on their DVD player.. But for backup?  


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