Ubuntu, Windows and my Linksys BEFSR81 Router HALF SOLVED

Hodgins Family ehodgins at telusplanet.net
Sun Sep 25 13:06:46 UTC 2005

Good morning!

> If your router provides dynamic DNS based on these names, you can fix 
> things
> by configuring the Ubuntu systems to send a hostname to the DHCP server.

Thank you, Matt!

I went into the dhcp-client configuration file and set things up so that the 
names are sent to the router and now I can see the computer names, IPs and 
MAC addresses listed in the DHCP table of the router. Beats the heck out of 
memorizing MAC addresses for each machine just so I can tell who has what 

Regrettably, I'm still not able to mount using the computer name...I have to 
use the IP address. In other words if I am sitting at Bar (IP 
and try to mount ThingToMount from Foo (IP192.168.1.100) by typing:
mount -t nfs /WhereThingIsMounted, then 
"ThingToMount" on Foo can be accessed via "WhereThingIsMounted" on Bar. 

But if I try:
 mount -t nfs Foo:/ThingToMount /WhereThingIsMounted,  then Bar comes back 
with a message saying that it can't find an address for Foo.

That's about as far as I got yesterday, but it is good enough. I'm not going 
to muck around further with this unless inspiration strikes (maybe a 
currently forgotten conf file somewhere?)

Thanks again.


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