very satisfied user

Winston at Ubuntulinux Winston at Ubuntulinux
Wed Sep 21 01:04:33 UTC 2005

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:13:34 -0700
Richard F Freund <r.freund at> wrote:

> Winston,
> Actually I am trying to install with the CDs Ubuntu sent
> me, so my problem is presumably not one of being
> burned incorrectly.

Hi Richard,

Ubuntu (and its ship-it volunteers) do not verify every CD they ship so
I guess (i'm just wildly guessing here) it *could* be the bad burnt but
I may be totally wrong. May be you can order another set or if you send
message off-list, I will send you the *known* working CDs that I used to
install on my AMD64 box. We are both within CA so shipping shouldn't be
so bad.

> I know of at least one other friend of mine with a HP
> AMD64 laptop that has the same problem.

A friend of mine is buying AMD64 box soon so I will try to verify with
him as well.
> Thx,
> Richard


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