dialup in ubuntu

Bry Melvin brymelvin at melvinart.com
Mon Sep 19 00:38:51 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 14:58, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> Bry Melvin wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 03:09, Mehdi H. wrote:

> ut the applet still will
> >>        only give me a
> >>        > 14400 connection...
> >>        >
> >>        > Does anyone know what I am missing? 
> >>        >
> >>        > Bryann
> >>        >
> > 
> > The Help pages are lacking...haven't found anything in the manpages
> > either that gives me a hint where to alter configuration files that the
> > applet uses.
> > 
> > Bryann
> > 
> > 
> Bryann:
> In the two months that I've been using Ubuntu, there have been several 
> threads on this list about dialup problems and no one has ever mentioned 
> using kppp. Back in my dialup days, I always used kppp. Yeah, I know 
> it's a KDE app, but it does run under Gnome, and I don't ever recall any 
> problems with it other than the standard PEBKAC stuff. FWIW, when I 
> first tried Linux using RedHat 5.0, the standard advice on the RedHat 
> lists and forums was to use kppp even though RedHat's default then -- as 
> now -- was Gnome over KDE.
> Warning: I haven't set up a dialup connection on this box, so there may 
> be all sorts of problems with kppp and Ubuntu of which I'm not aware, 
> but I gotta ask the question.
> -- cmg

Ok  here's my interim solution as I haven't downloaded KDE yet.

Setup wvdial  (see wvdialconf) in the manpages

build a simple text file.

sudo wvdial 

save it and make it executable : put it in the path

create a desktop object(aka link) setting permissions etc and give it an
appropriate icon....oh and have it run in a terminal

click on your desktop or panel icon you made...wvdial will ask for the
password then run connecting you to the internet.

to exit  use <ctrl> C

Simple solution ..and it works  It also will give you a running
commentary showing connection speed and problems etc.

Oh FWIW I added Firestarter...that could be added to the simple script


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