recommendations for Windows NFS clients needed

Eric S. Johansson esj at
Mon Sep 12 01:35:11 UTC 2005

Jonathan McLoughlin wrote:
> understand the layers of execution! you state "now windows doesn't
> even see the samba server", you moved into a networking problem, check
> the samba log sort out your problem, 

not a network problem, a server config problem.  all I did was create an 
smbuser file and add a couple of passwords.  then in trying to document 
what I did, I made it work.  how?  don't know but I sure as hell want to 
find out because I need to replicate it.  I think it was just running 

I should thank you for getting me to take a a 10th look at the problem 
because this time it finally worked.

> samba brought Linux into the
> Windows Server environment by kicking ass!

more likely by being only slightly less admin hostile than microsoft 
tools.  remember, after about 10 years exposure, all computers, 
operating systems, and tools suck.  You just get to choose which form of 
suckage you want in your life.

if it wasn't for the fact that my hands are broken, ubuntu would be my 
platform of least suckatude.  As I've said in many places, most of the 
time it just works which makes the places where it doesn't work all the 
more painful.

> NFS client, comes with most Windows as an addin - Services for Unix!

on the list of things to try this week.  If I can't find a good 
alternative to Samba, I will need to make Samba work with active 
directory.  now let's see, who is the saint of lost causes?  Doesn't 
matter which faith, all will do and probably all are needed...

--- eeyore

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