Upgrade to breezy
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sat Sep 10 22:08:23 UTC 2005
HC Brugmans Wrote:
> Ben Novack wrote:
> > On 9/10/05, Steve Myers <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> wrote:
> >
> >>Be smart and do a fresh install, I have seen so many users do an
> upgrade
> >>and that is why you see posts with numerous issues because of doing
> an
> >>upgrade.
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>Steve Myers
> >
> >
> > Well, some of the upgrade issues are because Breezy isn't finalized
> > yet. That's what testing is for; after all, with releases every six
> > months, it would be absurd to ask people to do a fresh install twice
> a
> > year. A user should only have to install their OS once, and be able
> to
> > upgrade safely and smoothly every time a new release comes out.
> >
> Upgrade issues are mostly because of people
> A upgrading when the development distro is still unstable.
> B users not having ubuntu-base/ubuntu-desktop packages installed
> C users using backports or extras
> A _should_ be mostly solved.
> Especially B is something that is easily avoidable.
> using backports or extras is supported, but this is still not tested as
> much as doing a straight upgrade, so take caution.
> Hidde
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
but, some times u need to install a new version that isn't in the main
or universe
and u know that the old version has a lot of bugs
and when u do the upgrade it unistall kubuntu desktop/kubuntu-base
then? what u do?
cheeky to say don't connect to internet and u will not have security
problems..., or what u just said, right?
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