Upgrade to breezy

Thomas Kaiser (ubuntu) ubuntu at kaiser-linux.li
Sat Sep 10 23:45:05 UTC 2005

Steve Myers wrote:

>Be smart and do a fresh install, I have seen so many users do an upgrade
>and that is why you see posts with numerous issues because of doing an
We are not in the Windoz World!
apt-get update apt-get dist-uprage (or Synaptic) should do it.

On a Debian based Distribution we don't have to reinstall, they build 
apt to overcome this problem.

Some weeks ago I did apt-get dist-upgrage to Debian Sarge on my xbox and 
it just was working OK. Now, I have pure Debian on my xbox (kernel is a 
xbox kernel). I lost some specific xbox tools, but I don't need them.

Anyway, I don't think reinstalling is a good idea if youy have already a 
working system!

apt will do the trick :-)

Regards, Thomas


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