ASCII extended characters won't be written/coded properly :o(((

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Sat Sep 10 13:32:12 UTC 2005

On Saturday 10 September 2005 13:56, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 13:35 +0100, Lee Braiden wrote:
> So you are saying it's normal ?
> I don't think it is sadly ! :-/

Well, yes, it is.  It's normal in the way that objects falling to the ground 
due to gravity is normal.

But if you're trying to keep the object suspended, you'll need to work on how 
to do that properly, of course.  Piotr seems to know what he's talking about, 
so you could try IBM437, or just check the technical specs of your terminal 
more closely, and match up your output with it.

Lee Braiden
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