OpenOffice and bookprinting

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Thu Sep 1 11:48:11 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 30 August 2005 10:14, Anders Wallenquist wrote:
> I'm planning to take a book written in OpenOffice to print, a Ubuntu
> handbook in swedish. First edition will be small about 1000 copies and
> 150 pages. I know that Scribus has better PDF and preflight cababilities
> but the lack of TOC and running page headers and a more FrameMaker
> aproache makes OpenOffice my choice (I hope ;-). My *(small) *publisher
> does not have any knowlage about open source and usually work with Quark
> and InDesign.

You might want to look into the XML import/export features of OpenOffice.  I 
believe it can support DocBook, which should be good at generating books for 
publication -- especially technical books like Ubuntu docs.

Lee Braiden
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