power supply and motherboard expired

squareyes squareyes at internode.on.net
Mon Oct 31 10:01:24 UTC 2005

Hi all,
power supply and motherboard have decided to become deceased,
(1700 xp athlon)and am trying to get a second hand motherboard with 
the same chipset.
Had intended to write everything to CD yesterday in preparation for installing breezy when it arrived, but why do today what can be done tomorrow :-)

Am running my old 166 pent with 64 edo ram, so have to use win 98,
my question is , if I can't get a second hand board with the same chipset,
is it possible to rescue the data on my drive, can't put it in this machine,
(40 gig drive) as it will only recognise 8 gig. I do have an old 2.2 gig drive
I could put into the rebuilt machine, and install Ubuntu on it, would it be possible to put the 40 gig drive in as slave and retrieve data that way?, still have a lot to learn.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Take Care
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