Breezy and Zope 2.7...

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Oct 28 12:36:16 UTC 2005

Alex Mandel wrote:

> I'm not sure I get exactly what you guys are talking about, but what I
> noticed is on the upgrade my zope2.7 script turned into what I see as
> gibberish(script I don't understand), same as when I just installed
> zope2.8. I think you guys also noticed this but the ALL line in
> /etc/default/zope2.8 returns no instances found.
> I just change it to read INSTANCES="/home/user/instanceroot"
> and then my old init.d script works.
> All I had to do to get it working though was replace it with my pre
> upgrade backup and it works like it should.
> I think maybe something went wrong in the packaging, any idea who to
> talk to about this?

In my case I installed plone-site, which creates an instance, and it was
plone-site's change of dependency from zope2.7 to zope2.8 that triggered
the zope upgrade.   Plone-site got installed into 2.8, so there was no
problem.  But you're right, there doesn't seem to be anything in the
package to copy over instances from the old zope.

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