printer problems

Larry Grover lgrover at
Thu Oct 27 12:52:31 UTC 2005

KC1DI wrote:
> Anyone got the hp 722c printer working in 5.10?  Have tried about  
> everything and still no printer.
> Dave

Can you be more specific about what you've tried?  Also, do you get 
any error or log messages that might help identify the problem?

We have an HP 722c at home.  It hangs off the parallel port on a 
system running 5.04 (hoary).  It works quite well.  It also worked 
under 4.10 (warty).  I will by upgrading this system to 5.10 (breezy) 
sometime in the next few weeks.  Unless there has been some regression 
between 5.04 and 5.10, this printer should work.

We share the HP 722c on a small home network (CUPS/IPP), and it works 
perfectly from other systems on the network, including a laptop 
runnning 5.10 (breezy) and an iMac (running OSX).

Please try to provide a little more information about what you've 
tried and how it has failed.


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