breezy: XKB config error on startup, keymap settings wrong

David M lists2006 at
Fri Oct 21 00:15:17 UTC 2005

Chosechu wrote in gmane.linux.ubuntu.user 
 about: Re: breezy: XKB config error on startup, keymap settings wrong 

> David M wrote:
>> I've now managed to upgrade from hoary to breezy, however I receive a
>> (GNOME?) XKB error after I do a graphical login, and my keymap settings
>> seem to be incorrect.
> I had the same problem and got rid of it by doing this:
> - Open keyboard preferences
> - Remove US-international layout
> - Close the window
> - Re-open keyboard preferences
> - Add US-international layout: at this point you can see why it bugged
> so far. What we previously used for US-international is now offered as
> US international with dead keys, and Alternative international
> (previously known as us_intl). Choose both and try them out.

Great! Thanks for that. This seems to have done the trick.

By the look of the keyboard diagram (a very useful explanatory touch,
thanks to the GNOME developers for that!) it seems that the 
"Alternative international" is a step more complicated than I need, with
up to 4 characters on each key(!) (and I have no idea how I would access

> I have no idea how to set ' and " not to be dead keys.
> Let us know if you find something.

I followed your advice further, and went to add a keyboard again.
This time I added the "US English" keyboard (the one at the root of the
submenu) again (really just to see what would happen).

Sure enough, it now appeared in my keyboard list as well as the
"US English international (with dead keys)" which was already there.

Selecting the "US English" keyboard as the default (with a compose key
set up) seems to have done the trick: I can now type ' and " as normal,
and can compose extended characters using the compose key.
(So I'm not really sure what exactly is "international" about the
so-called 'international' keyboard..?)

..and I still have no idea what keys to press to type the euro symbol! :-( 

--|  David M. -- [en, fr, (de)] --  |  reply-to email is valid <365d,  |
--|  Edinburgh, Scotland.           |  but reply-to-list preferred     |
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