the continuing zaga of zope

Patrick Newberry PNewberry at
Thu Oct 20 17:42:19 UTC 2005

I'll try the purge version tonight.(zope / plone etc)

I did try the plone config ID (admin) and password for the zope page.

By the way, did you install 
1. zope
2. plone
3. plone-site 

So the purge should be 3,2,1 in that order?

8081... Interesting...


Well, "remove" alone might do you no good.  You need to use "purge",
otherwise configuration data is kept.
Funny that it installed on port 9673 (which is what I expected for a
Debian-based distro) because when I reinstalled everything last week, it
installed on the non-Debian default of 8081.  Perhaps the install
scripts use 8081 if  nothing else does.  I used to have a server on
8081, so perhaps that's the difference.


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