md5sum of a burned cd

toylet toylet.toylet at
Tue Oct 18 01:17:50 UTC 2005

You don't check the md5sum after buring the ISO, but BEFORE you burnt it.

download the iso image.
download the md5sum file
(now both of them in the same directory)
md5sum -c the_md5_sum_file

If no error related to the downloaded ISO was reported, burn it at the speed
that your burner could handle. Use a reasonably good brand of disc.

I'm having trouble with md5sums of cd's I burn -- they seme to be
> burning pretty well but the sum is not identical to that of the iso.
> I wonder whether I odn't understand md5sum properly? I do:
> cdrecord --dev=ATA:1,1,0 --speed=12 -tao /path/to/breezy.iso
> md5sum /dev/hdd /path/to/breezy.iso
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