buying a new AGP

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Fri Oct 14 09:08:40 UTC 2005

On Friday 14 October 2005 09:19, AA wrote:
> Hello, I have had such a headache installing my ATI
> card.  What would be a good AGP from nVidia to replace
> this ATI Radeon?

Just to clear up some confusion... AGP is an architecture and a port 
specification.  Asking for "an AGP" doesn't make a lot of sense, and could be 
taken a number of ways.  For instance, I thought you might be asking about a 
new motherboard with a more advanced AGP port for a moment there.

What you're looking for is an AGP graphics card, specifically one of the most 
recent generations.  You should probably post your "poor performance" 
measurements first though, and make sure that you haven't just configured the 
card incorrectly.

Lee Braiden

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