'gdm could not write to the auth file' -- ubuntuPPC_5.04

Sarangan Thuraisingham sarangan.thuraisingham at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 16:40:15 UTC 2005

I had this error b4 -> "can't lock .Xauthority file before". This was becos
I used "shutdown -r now" as root. Then the owner and the group of the
.Xauthority file was changed to root.

You can check to see if this is the case by using the command
saru at ava:~/$ ls -l ~/.Xauthority
-rw------- 1 saru saru 114 2005-10-08 15:02 /home/saru/.Xauthority
saru at ava:~/$

IF the third and the fourth coulmns, ie the owner and the group column, say
"root" then you need to use 'chown' to set the file ownership to yourself. I
think it is "chown user:group ~/.Xauthority"
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