automate installer choices (2)

Matt Price matt.price at
Fri Oct 7 21:07:10 UTC 2005

hi folks,

a couple of weeks ago
colin pointed me to the excellent and helpful guide to automating
installer choices:
This is very helpful BUT I'm still not quite sure what the best way is
to include a preseed file on a modified install cd.  THere is an
interesting and helpful guide to customizing the livecd:

but it seems somewhat involved since all I want to do is change one
file; and among other things I'm not sure that the install cd uses the
same kind of compressed file system that the live cd does.  

So, quick question really:  does anyone know whether one goes about the
install cd custumization same way one modifies the install cd?
thanks much,


Matt Price	    matt.price at
History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

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