Getting frustrated with Ubuntu....

cogyfarm cogyfarm at
Wed Nov 30 04:54:35 UTC 2005

me wrote:

>i just have to add althrough i dont know ubuntu as much:
>/etc/X11/xorg.conf or XF86config
>contain the possible resolutions and with them the refreshrates. sure
>there is a tool, that handles the modeline stuff that noone realy
>understands :( - since i use flatpanels i had never again to play
>arround with refreshrates, things maybe have changed over the years...
>/etc/init.d/xdm or gdm are designed to respawn the x server once it is
>shut down with ctrl+alt+backspace.
>of course you can stop them and the respawning will not happen (and
>maybe your xsession gets killed)
>sudo /etc/init.dl/xdm stop
>to get to the console login just try ctrl+alt+f1(-f6) while x is
>running - i liked the console login too until i got bored with writing
>~/.xinitrc scripts.
>speaking of which: if you like gnome but not its fully stuffed desktop
>and session tools you are better to create a xinitrc that starts the
>panel and the windowmanager
>windowmanager (metacity or sawfish)
>then your startx will get up with the tools you like....
>to correct your inittab work (i remember searching things in it and
>was never satisfied) i can only say DONT touch it, you probably mess
>everything up....
>the "startup" software is in /etc/RC? (ubuntusers may complete that)
>there are symlinks to the scripts in /etc/init.d/ that are named a bit courious:
>the number is to asure the correct startorder and the xdm is to give
>you a cloue without reading the symlink contents.
>there are tools that manipulate the startup order and contens but you
>can do this by hand with removing the symlink (rm) and creating some
>(ln -s)
>when you take it step by step you will learn how to tune linux in no
>time and smile about the unflexible way windows lets you handle that
>On 11/29/05, Magnus Therning <magnus at> wrote:
>>On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 12:19:38PM +0000, Sam Tygier wrote:
>>>Lee H. wrote:
>>>>On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 19:55:15 +0000, you wrote:
>>>>>how did you install gnome? it looks like you installed the
>>>>>ubunut-desktop package. this is a metapackage. it just make sure that
>>>>>a list of packages get installed, in this case all the default ubunut
>>>>>applications and gnome.  if you remove ubuntu desktop then you can
>>>>>remove things like firefox.
>>>>Er...ummm....:  sudo apt-get install gnome Is there such a thing as:
>>>>sudo apt-get uninstall gnome  ??    :)
>>>"gnome" is another meta package like ubuntu desktop, which depends on a
>>>few more meta and real packages including gnome-office (which get you
>>>abiword and gnumeric) and gnome-desktop-environment.
>>>gnome-desktop-environment is yet another metapackage.
>>>gnome-core seems to be the metapackage that you want. you'll get the
>>>core of gnome, nautilus, gedit, and eog, but thats about all.
>>>the trouble you have is now how to get rid of everything else.
>>>one trick is to remove something that they all depend on. try removing
>>>libgtk2.0-0. then installing gnome-core.
>>A better trick is to use `debfoster`. Install it, run it like this:
>> % sudo debfoster -qmn
>>The remove the offending package:
>> % sudo debfoster gnome-
>>You'll be asked about every package that `gnome` depends on that isn't
>>needed by any other package.
>>If you feel lucky you can do:
>> % sudo debfoster -f gnome-
>>It'll do the same, but without asking any questions... (don't come
>>crying to me if you FUBAR your system though)
>>Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
>>magnus at
>>Software is not manufactured, it is something you write and publish.
>>Keep Europe free from software patents, we do not want censorship
>>by patent law on written works.
>>I have steadily endeavored to keep my mind free, so as to give up any
>>hypothesis, however much beloved -- and I cannot resist forming one
>>on every subject -- as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it.
>>     -- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
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>>ubuntu-users at
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>ufo file
>please report other patterns that may lead to storage
>in high security government databases.
>ich werde morgen als Held vor Allah stehen
>???? ??????
my biggest complaint about the desktop right now is, that in windows xp 
I have an enormous amount of room.  I have a 19" LCD display driven by a 
GeForce FX 5200 AGP 8x 128mb video card.  This is one of the old LCD 
displays so i have to run it at a max of 1280 x 1024 @ 75hz.  Which 
gives me this wonderfully huge desktop.  EXCEPT in GNOME!!  it Gnome it 
feels like 640x480.  I have no room.  Yet I go to the resolution control 
panel in gnome and it says I'm in 1280 x1024.  I don't get it!.  I hate 
having no room to wokr.

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