Getting frustrated with Ubuntu....

Sam Tygier samtygier at
Tue Nov 29 14:31:26 UTC 2005

Magnus Therning wrote:
> A better trick is to use `debfoster`. Install it, run it like this:
>  % sudo debfoster -qmn
> The remove the offending package:
>  % sudo debfoster gnome-
> You'll be asked about every package that `gnome` depends on that isn't
> needed by any other package.
> If you feel lucky you can do:
>  % sudo debfoster -f gnome-
> It'll do the same, but without asking any questions... (don't come
> crying to me if you FUBAR your system though)
> /M

i had not seen that before (the removing a library that everything depends on was a trick i learned in my yellowdog days)


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