Pretty much how I feel

albi albi at
Sun Nov 27 20:29:35 UTC 2005

On Sun, 27 Nov 2005 13:14:55 -0700
Scott <angrykeyboarder at> wrote:

> Frank McCormick wrote:
> > Ran across this tonight while Googling for some help on getting
> > videos from CNN and other sites to play in my browser.
> > CNN is totally useless mainly because if I knew the file types they
> > send I could probably figure it out.
> > 
> > 
> > But this message on Linuxworld is pretty much how I and a few
> > others I know feel about Linux Video and Audio right now.
> > 
> >;1217197122;fp;16;fpid;0
> > 
> I feel pretty much the same way. For all the Linux users that despise
> Windows so much I have message for you.
> This stuff just WORKS in Windows, period.  Real Media, QuickTime and
> (naturally) Windows Media.
> Don't get me wrong, the geek in me still prefers Linux overall.
> I've yet to get CNN video working.  I've tried it with Totem-xine and
> VLC.  I have w32codecs installed as CNN uses Windows Media (why I
> don't know, their competitor MSNBC does too).
> As far as MPlayer goes, ones it drops it's dated, butt-ugly GTK1
> interface, I'll consider it.

<rant-mode off>
you sound like a mainstream 1st world capitalist consumer contributing
nothing to open-source at all

for your information, you are now using "The Internet", if Microsoft had
their way, you'd be using MicroSoft Network instead, of course
completely incompatible with anything not MicroSoft-based or

start contributing to a nicer future for EVERYONE by supporting
opensource standards rather than using or wanting to use proprietary
ones and whining on this list
</rant-mode off>

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump | gpg --import

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