localhost:631 (was Re: A different printing problem, Breezy and Epson C66)

Colin Murphy lists at spudulike.me.uk
Fri Nov 11 21:29:42 UTC 2005

On Thursday 10 November 2005 07:13, Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 06:37:06 +0000
> Colin Murphy <lists at spudulike.me.uk> wrote:
> > Now, in my Suse days, I would localhost:631 and play with the server from
> > there.  I am denied this option, which seems to be the final one to me,
> > in Ubuntu.
> 1)Adding the user "cupsys" to the group "shadow" will allow you to access
> http://localhost:631

Thank you for this.  I still seem to be stuck, this time I can't get a user to 
authenticate.  Going back to my Suse days, once again, I remember the need to 
use :-

	lppasswd -a someuser

but on my Ubuntu I get :-

	spudulike at ubuntu:~$ sudo lppasswd -a spudulike
	Enter password:
	Enter password again:
	lppasswd: Unable to open passwd file: Permission denied

Any help getting over this hurdle gratefully received.

Colin at Spudulike.me.uk

A:Because it's wrong!
> Q: Why shouldn't I top post?

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