Pax, please.. Was: (Re: Another Unofficial UbuntuGuide?)

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sun Nov 6 19:20:31 UTC 2005

On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 10:54:29 -0800
Mike Bird <mgb-ubuntu at> wrote:

> On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 10:28, 'Forum Post wrote:
> > Ubuntuguide is not, has not, and will not be an offical site, and as I
> > and countless others have pointed out contains inacurate information,
> > and makes assumptions about your system that are not always true. Check
> > my other posts if you need further proof.
> Ubuntu is not, has not, and will not be an official site for
> Gnome, KDE, gcc, Linux, or almost anything else that people
> actually ask questions about.  Furthermore, it contains
> inaccurate information.  Nevertheless, it is valuable.  Just
> as UbuntuGuide is valuable.  Enough with the jackboots already.
> --Mike Bird

The "Ubunutguide Wars" are becoming tiresome. Can we please just be positive, and put our support behind the Documentation team?

I'm sure they are open to constructive suggestions to improve, and the bundled Help in the distro.

Most of this discussion has deteriorated into a series of ad-hominem attacks and rejoinders.



Linux User #343161 

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