Ubuntu PDF Format Guide
'Forum Post
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sun Nov 6 16:24:11 UTC 2005
Zach Wrote:
> The original post, as well as Dennis's reply, wasn't to the forum--it
> was to the ubuntu-users mailing list. It just happens that the
> mailing list is mirrored to the forum--a service for the convenience
> of forum users who don't want to sign up to the mailing list.
> And with regards to Dennis's advice on avoiding unofficial
> documentation, it is valid and helpful, and may help unititiated users
> avoid serious breakage, potentially turning them off to Ubuntu & Linux
> in general.
> As far as the original question, the best place to go for
> documentation is help.ubuntu.com, as mentioned previously. As you get
> more seasoned and become comfortable that you can fix things that
> break, you may want to turn to unofficial guides for specific things
> not covered in the official guide. Do so at your own risk, though.
> If you want PDF documentation there is a package called cups-pdf. It
> let's you create a printer that prints to a pdf file instead of a
> physical printer, which is great for making web pages available to
> read where there's no internet. It takes a bit of work to get going,
> but could be a sufficiently challenging project for a beginner.
> (Hint: to get it working you have to edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and set
> RunAsUser to No--this causes cups to run as root).
> On the windows side, since you're using the Live CD, there is a really
> great project called PDF Creator. It is an open source project on
> sourceforge.net. You can also get it from The Open CD,
> 'www.theopencd.org' (http://www.theopencd.org). If you pop your Ubuntu
> Live CD into a Windows
> computer, it contains information about The Open CD, as well as a
> subset of the Open CD's windows software.
> Hope this helps
> Good Luck
> '' (http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users)
Thanks for taking a positive and posting a response that should help
the original poster.
As to the whys and where for's of the mailing list appearing on the
forums, the fact is it is there. I have no issue with someone posting
a better/ more useful reply to a post. The Denis's reply, was of no
help, it doesn't really matter if it was posted to the moon. According
to the Code of Coduct the guidlines are the same for the Mailing lists
as they are for the forums.
The post was public and stemed from a technical querey.
Maybe you feel it would be better if the mailing lists were made
private; members only?
More information about the ubuntu-users
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