Ubuntu PDF Format Guide
uid000 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 15:57:33 UTC 2005
The original post, as well as Dennis's reply, wasn't to the forum--it
was to the ubuntu-users mailing list. It just happens that the
mailing list is mirrored to the forum--a service for the convenience
of forum users who don't want to sign up to the mailing list.
And with regards to Dennis's advice on avoiding unofficial
documentation, it is valid and helpful, and may help unititiated users
avoid serious breakage, potentially turning them off to Ubuntu & Linux
in general.
As far as the original question, the best place to go for
documentation is help.ubuntu.com, as mentioned previously. As you get
more seasoned and become comfortable that you can fix things that
break, you may want to turn to unofficial guides for specific things
not covered in the official guide. Do so at your own risk, though.
If you want PDF documentation there is a package called cups-pdf. It
let's you create a printer that prints to a pdf file instead of a
physical printer, which is great for making web pages available to
read where there's no internet. It takes a bit of work to get going,
but could be a sufficiently challenging project for a beginner.
(Hint: to get it working you have to edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and set
RunAsUser to No--this causes cups to run as root).
On the windows side, since you're using the Live CD, there is a really
great project called PDF Creator. It is an open source project on
sourceforge.net. You can also get it from The Open CD,
www.theopencd.org. If you pop your Ubuntu Live CD into a Windows
computer, it contains information about The Open CD, as well as a
subset of the Open CD's windows software.
Hope this helps
Good Luck
On 11/6/05, 'Forum Post <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> wrote:
> Dennis Kaarsemaker Wrote:
> >
> >
> > > This is a negative post.
> >
> > Yes, with good reason. Ubuntuguide instructions break a lot and should
> > not be used.
> >
> > > It is a good idea to read the guidelines on 'posting a reply to a
> > > techinical query' ('http://tinyurl.com/d6859)'
> > (http://tinyurl.com/d6859%29).
> >
> > Remember that this is a mailing list governed by the code of conduct
> > and
> > no other guidelines.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Dennis
> I don't know the URL you are reading this from but mine reads as
> follows:
> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=470720#post470720
> Check out the domain, there is a big clue. This is a public forum.
> I am sure you are doing tremendous work for the docs team, but you are
> no help hear.
> If you think that the original post should not have been on the mailing
> list thread - then you can get it moved somewhere else. You have been
> no help here and it is difficult to figure out what your agenda is - I
> can not see any clear 'Humanity'.
> It seems as if you wish to ignore what has been written and ignore any
> guidelines other than what ever happens to suit you.
> However, you do mention the code of conduct, so may i respectfully
> remind you:
> - *Be considerate*
> - *Be respectful*
> - *Be collaborative*
> - *When you disagree, consult others*
> - *When you are unsure, ask for help*
> - *Step down considerately* We'll see where we takes us, and at the end, I will step down
> considerately.
> But first I would like to see you get back onto the original thread
> topic, reposted to a technical forum if necessary, and then fixed for
> the original poster, who after all, was someone with a problem, who
> needs help finding a solution.
> --
> essexman
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
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