Justin Tisserat JTlistserv at cox.net
Fri Nov 4 02:30:33 UTC 2005


I'm not sure if you want to invest money into the project but a  "low 
tech" solution I have used before is a DVD recorder that works similar 
to a VCR. I used a Phillips DVD recorder to record VCR tapes. I piped 
the VCR output into the DVD recorder input using RCA plugs. The DVD 
recorder has basic capabilities to index the DVD and label the different 
tracks. Nothing fancy but it works.

For an example of what I'm referring to go to www.phillips.com and look 
at their DVD recorders.

- Justin
stan wrote:

>On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 11:28:58AM +1100, David wrote:
>>I've got scores of VHS archives that would be much nicer on DVD - perhaps even 
>>several tapes to one DVD. I haven't the faintest idea where to start.
>>Any ideas what hardware/software I might use to achieve this? Some sort of DVD 
>>authoring/menuing and something to convert the VHS output to digital, I presume.
>You will need a TV capture card, such as a WinTV card.

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