emacs cut and paste

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Wed Nov 2 11:43:25 UTC 2005

Eamonn Sullivan wrote:
> Sorry to reply to myself, but I was just kicking around in my .emacs
> file (trying to add refill-mode for text files) and found the
> following two lines of lisp that must have followed me around from
> distro to distro for a *long* time. I'm betting these are why cut and
> paste works fine for me in Breezy.
> (setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
> (setq interprogram-paste-function 'x-cut-buffer-or-selection-value)

with initial testing, these seem to work just fine.  Thanks

> Downside? Marking and yanking doesn't work in text mode, such as in an
> ssh session. I'm sure if I knew lisp better I could work around that
> problem.

if you're running Emacs within a terminal window (i.e. over SSH but 
displayed within gnome term, of course it won't work.  The context for 
cutting and pasting exists with gnome terminal not Emacs on the remote 

and even though I know this, I find myself clicking and being frustrated 
that the cursor doesn't shift buffers.  Classic case of violated 
expectations in the user interface.

thanks again for the help.

> -Eamonn

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