Changing the helpers for Firfox
stanb at
Tue Nov 1 03:37:46 UTC 2005
On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 10:44:44AM +0000, Stephen Chadfield wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Oct 2005, stan wrote:
> >I did 2 installs of 5.10 this weekend. I downloaded and installed
> >Realplayer on both. The first, a test install, can open Realplyer stream
> >(from within Firfox) just fine. The 2nd (my laptop) tries to open these
> >with a Mplayer plugin, that doesn't seem to work.
> >
> >How can I tell Firefox to use Realplyer, instead?
> The plugin which is used is that which has the most recent time-stamp. Try
> executing the following commands:
> sudo touch /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
> sudo touch /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/nphelix.xpt
> sudo touch /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/
> sudo touch /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/nphelix.xpt
> Entering the URL "about:plugins" will list your plugins in the same order
> that they are used.
Mmm, this gets moe interesting.
First, just in case it matters, let me state that I am using the links on to test with.
Now, on the machine _taht works_, when I go to about:plugins, I see no
evidence of a Realplayer plugin. I dod see Helix DNA "Realplaye
compatabile" plugin. Also when I access these links, I get a seperate popup
that plays the Realplayer stream.
On the machine that _does not_ work, in about:plugins, I see a Realplaer 9
plugin with teh filenmae of Clicking on this link
takes me to a page about mplayer. I _do not_ get an external popup when I
try to play these links on this mahcine.
Can someone educate me as to what all this means?
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