Hoary on IBM X40 Network configuration

Tony tony.kruse at gmail.com
Fri May 27 17:38:09 UTC 2005


Yes, that is the way I use to handle it with Warty on my iBook.  
However now with the nework settings GUI under Hoary the scripts
involved update the file and introduce another "auth eth1" when it has
been commented out.

The only way I have been able to accomplish manually
activating/deactivating on reboot is to check and uncheck the "This
device is configured" box under Properties.  This works, however, it
means I must manually select DHCP vs. Static IP, Network name (ESSID)
and etc each time.

It looks like the scripts should take into account the present state
of the Active vs. Deactivate buttons.

On 5/27/05, Erik Bågfors <zindar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Don't know how to do it the GUI way, but....
> If you go to /etc/network/interfaces. You should see two lines saying
> "auto eth0" and "auth eth1". If you remove them (or better yes, put #
> infront of them), it will not autostart the interface.
> /Erik
> On 5/27/05, Tony <tony.kruse at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I use my X40 laptop at several locations, some wireless, some Ethernet
> > and various configurations.
> >
> > When I boot the laptop it must always go through and attempt to find a
> > network or time out.  I would like to leave the various configurations
> > in place, however not to auto-activate on boot.  I don't see how to do
> > this with the Network Settings GUI that comes on Hoary.
> >
> > If I uncheck "This device is configured" under Properties, will this
> > delete the configuration or just deactivate it?
> >
> > I don't want to delete any configurations, only set them not to
> > auto-activate on boot.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Tony
> >
> > --
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