Linux at home? work..welll
Frank McCormick
fmccormick at
Fri May 27 17:36:18 UTC 2005
Can't help but get into the debate...
I work for a MAJOR public service broadcaster in Canada....and AFAIK
Linux is used in ONLY one place..on SOME of the servers on the internet
At work ALL the machines run Windows 2000 Professional. Why? Simple. We
use heavy duty audio /video and text editing / gathering software which
is apparently miles above anything available for Linux. The audio
editing we do is done on Dalet, originally French software which
strangely enough won't run on XP, but will run on anything up to 2000.
It is a network based program ( we routinely have 150 hours of time
available ) which is likely is use simultaneously by 100 to 200 people.
I have never come across anything as powerfull for Linux (correct me if
I am wrong..I am not in IT)
The text editing/gathering software is used by radio/and television and
again is server based and in use across the country by thousands of
people. Again I have never heard of anything comparable for Linux.
The bottom line: Linux likely will never infiltrate into our operation
simply because the software is not available and likely will never be
avilable. And I would hazard a guess there are many other operations in
similar position.
This is not praise of Windows - it's a lament for Linux.
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