Linux at home? work..welll

Steve Kratz stevek at
Fri May 27 17:57:56 UTC 2005

> The bottom line: Linux likely will never infiltrate into our 
> operation simply because the software is not available and 
> likely will never be avilable. And I would hazard a guess 
> there are many other operations in similar position.

That's the big picture - Until a good chunk of commercial developers
port these programs to Linux, there will always be Windows.

Once Linux gets to the point where hardware developers provide driver
sources, which makes it easy to "plug and play" stuff on Linux, it will
become MUCH more popular for home/business use. When you start seeing
Adobe/Macromedia/3DSMax making Linux ports (of their "big" apps - not
acrobat reader ;), you'll know things are looking up - fast.

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