Defrag Software
Tobias Cloete
tobias at
Fri May 20 09:22:56 UTC 2005
Thats correct.
Linux filesystems are kept in order and not scattered.
You don't need to defrag..
Hey, why do you think Linux servers can run for years on end?!
Linux makes life easier!
most of the tools for derag in Linux can be used to defrag some 'Fat'
partitions. Atleast I think so?? Never done this before. only heard
about it.
Tobias Cloete
-----Original Message-----
From: Santiago Erquicia [mailto:santiago.erquicia at]
Sent: Fri 20/05/2005 08:56
To: Ubuntu Help and User Discussions
Subject: Re: Defrag Software
On 5/20/05, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > which Defrag Software do we use in Linux? i just understood, that
> > installing Ubuntu on the machine (5 month ago) i did not have done
> > anything regarding checking the harddisk on this.
> >
> > thanks for suggestions and elaborating on that,
> When I switched to Linuw 12 month ago, this was my first question !
> I was told that there were no software to defrag in Linux, and that
> file system was inherently much less prone to fragmentation in the
> place.
> Basically, I was told not to worry about it.
> Then again, that was 12 month ago, and Linux is moving so fast,
> things/opinions might have changed in the meantime ??
>From what I understood some time ago (hmmm it doesn't sound that good
that) is that the way linux file systems work make them not fragment.
Instead of writting everything at the very first place if finds, they
try to keep things together. Windows file system, on the other hand,
places everything in the first place it finds. This makes a file that
should be contiguous on disk, be fragmented in different places.
Maybe I'm talking nonsense here but I have been using linux for quite
a few years now and I had never defragmented my disks.
> --
> Vince
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at
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