Colony CD 1 (quick report)

Daniel Stone daniel at
Wed May 18 08:00:01 UTC 2005

On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 09:18:05AM +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> 1) ddcprobe still fails to detect my monitor, despite my 3 year old copy
> of Win XP can, so I dare to think that it's not a H/W problem and that
> Linux should be able to do it too...  We discussed this in my bug
> report, which is closed... would be nice to reopen it, otherwise might
> never get looked into/fixed ?

There's nothing we can do -- you really do need to talk to nVidia.

> Still about ddcprobe, I tried running it from a terminal, and it failed,
> stating that it could not connect to Lotus-Esprit or something. This one
> really confuses me... what does probing the monitor have with anything
> network related ?? :o( 

That would be sudo failing to look up your hostname, I assume.
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