GDM : can't set a background image ... bug ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sat May 14 23:38:39 UTC 2005

> Another miracle seems to have happened with this standard greeter Oli:
> Up until now, with the Nvidia 3D driver, the machine would crash and
> freeze solid within 10 seconds of logging out/in (but not the first
> log-in). Well, after setting GDM to this standard greeter, logged out to
> see what it looks like, then logged back-in, expecting the machine to
> crash then hard-lock, but oh, what's up... nothing crashes... and 5
> minutes later, as I am writing this... it hasn't locked either !
> Can't believe it, I will have to test it several times to see if it was
> just goo luck or not. If not, then at least I know that the hardlock has
> to do with the graphical greeter, not the standard one !
> Needless to say, I will stick with the standard one from now on ! :-)
> --
> Vince

Ofr course, I spoke too soon.. eventhough it works "better" when logging
back in, with the standard greeter, I still get problems, albeit
different. In this case, when I log-out, I get a nice dialog telling me
to restart GDM because it seg faulted... Then when I click "restart",
GDM will never show up, the screen keeps flickering, then black for 10
seconds, then flicker again, then black.. endlessly. Had to reboot
manually. :-/

Well at least, it definitely shows that there is a serious bug somewhere
between nvidia-glx and GDM when logging out then in again. Now whether
it's a GDM bug, nvidia-gls bug, or a mixture of both... big mystery.
I am just hoping that XGI, now that they opened the specs of the video
chips, will flood the market with their cards, so that every Linux user
can buy one, and the community will have at last the possibility to get
rid of horrible problems like these... :o(((
But so far I found only one single XGI card for sale in France, so we
are not quite there yet...
Other hope, I guess, is this "OpenGraphics" project. The team leader
recently said he would have a first card ready by the end of the year...
can't wait ! :-)

Vince, dreaming of 200% trouble free H/W rendering...

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