Saving the MBR by "dd"?

Jim Cheetham jim at
Fri May 13 09:45:22 UTC 2005

bs=446 will get just the MBR
bs=512 will get the entire first sector, which will include part of the 
partition table (which lives in the last 66 bytes)

google for "dd mbr bs 446" ;-)

-jim, top-posting

On May 13, 2005, at 8:36 PM, Kurt Underhay wrote:

> Hi Peter
> The reply that has already been sent is correct i.e. bs=512, count=1.
> Do your FC3 and hoary installations share a boot partition, or are 
> their respective /boot directories contained within hda5 and hda6? 
> Because if the latter is the case, then they won't be able to speak to 
> each other.
> BTW - I seem to recall that XP Pro doesn't play havoc with the MBR as 
> much as previous versions of Windows did, but of course it is 
> definitely a good idea to back up anyway.
> Peter Baumgartner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this is a question to the more experienced users:
>> I have a triple boot machine (XP on hda1, FC3 on hda5 and hoary on 
>> hda6 + /documents on hde). The XP is my playground ;-) and is getting 
>> terribly slow, so I would like to re-install it. Because the GRUBs of 
>>  ubuntu and Fedora Core seem not to understand each other (are they 
>> talking different languages??), I had to manually edit the 
>> "menu.list" to get it working. To overcome the well known 
>> "advantages" of Windoze in respect of the MBR I want to save it 
>> before the Win$ installation and re-write it by "dd".
>> What parameters do I need ( BS=?   length=?)? Can anybody help me 
>> with this?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Peter
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