[Hoary] using the Warty kernel ?
Vincent Trouilliez
vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sat May 7 01:59:13 UTC 2005
> **********
> Starting Ubuntu...
> pivot_root : No such file or directory
> /sbin/init: 429: cannot open dev/console : No such file
> Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init !
> _
> **********
> Since I don't really know what I am doing, I probably did something
> wrong... please help... :-)
Did a quick search on Ubuntuforums.org for "pivot_root". It may mean
that the Warty 'initrd' does not find an ext3 Filesystem. That makes
sense, as my Hoary box is on RAID0 (albeit the '/boot' partition is on a
separate/non-RAID ext3 partition...), but my Warty box where the kernel
comes from, is not. But, that said, said Warty has always started RAID
services at boot regardless of the fact that I never uses RAID on this
machine.... so I assume that the kernel and initrd etc are already
packed with whatever it takes to handle RAID ?
Problem must lie somewhere else then... :o(
Maybe I need to run some obscure GRUB command ???
Any help/info/comment/advise/hint/clue/light will be gratefully
received ! ;o)
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