Upgrade to Hoary / Linux Kernel 2.6.10

Mamuka Khantadze mamuka at healthywomen.ge
Tue Mar 22 17:15:27 UTC 2005

Hi everyone,


This is my first mail to the list, and I'm sure you guys have probably
discussed the issues I'm raising quite number of times. Please, feel free to
direct me to appropriate how-to or forum topic. Thanks in advance.


Here is my story: I've updated to Hoary from, Warty (Got install CDs form
free CD Distribution System). Somehow my icons on Application menu
disappeared and only folders are seen. On the other hand, I believed that
hoary included Gnome 2.10 (the reason why I upgraded). Seems to me I was


On the other hand, I've upgraded my kernel to 2.6.10-686, as I've got
Pentium 4 laptop, and am sure that 686 is more optimized for this processor
than 386. However, to my disappointment, I can no longer log in to GNOME. It
tell me that xfree is not correctly configured. I've run xfreeconfig (or
xfconfigure), which has asked me tons of questions that I am not able to
answer correctly (all the vertical syncs, mouse ports etc.). Why hasn't
apt-get simply copied my working xfree configuration to be used by new
kernel? Is there a way to simply copy it instead of answering those
technical questions?


Thanks a lot in advance




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