honest ubuntu roadmap (Re: [hoary] Array CD 7/6 bugs

Philippe Landau lists at mailry.net
Tue Mar 22 01:48:00 UTC 2005

although interest seems limited,
some more problems that could be resolved
for hoary release Ubuntu 5.04.
just so canonical can't say nobody told them in time.
i know they say their aims are that it "just works"
and that their linux is easy to use.
the following things don't work and are not easy to use.
they say the problems need to be fixed "upstream".
but for the user what matters is the product.
i don't mind being told things are expected
to work smoothly in an edition in fall 2006.
but i do mind being told to help debug release candidates
when the real aim is beta testing for two years.

canonical published a 2 year business plan for ubuntu in 2004.
honesty would best be served if they told us openly
that the steps in between are just milestones on the road,
not polished releases ready for simple users.
even then there would be enough beta testers, i am sure.

kind regards     philippe


in nautilus when you have long filenames
and the window is smaller,
rename makes the files jump to the left
so you don't see them.
also long filenames should not
make columns larger on their own.
nautilus is still unstable.
now for example i selected several folders,
went to another one, created and renamed a folder,
right-click pasted into it, and crash restart.

right-clicking .iso files should offer
an option to calculate it's md5 check-sum
and compare it with the content of the clipboard
and subsequently place it on the clipboard.

right-clicking on a file should give an option
to copy its path to the clipboard.

clicking somewhere outside while renaming a file
should have the same effect as enter.

sometimes shift-insert does not work in the terminal
when selecting paste from the menu does.

ctrl-c something in firefox, alt-F4, clipboard is empty.

opening some wmv movies results in a remark about being asf.
some highly compressed wmv shortmovies are badly distorted.

installing very popular prorietary codecs and players
is still more complicated then just downloading
an additional script/installer.
so the multimedia capabilities remain largely untested and buggy.

nautilus does not stay focused on the chosen file.
in a windo with hundreds of files,
create a new folder, rename,
it will not immediatly show its new name,
then will move out of focus.
or select an object, sort, and the object is
not visible anymore.
it would be nice to have a shortcut
to switch between icon and list view.

in find file, is should be able to right-click copy.
or show the file in the folder.

Philippe Landau wrote:
> just a few things i am noting on the fly today:
> a file-system check should not be forced on me
> during a reboot. linux should leave me in control
> whenever possible. assuming what could be best
> for me without asking should be left to MS windows.
> i may need a reboot and urgently work on something,
> so unforeseen deliberate delays are not appropriate.
> an interface for regular maintenance would be
> great however, with a reminder after booting
> if it detects that the routines are overdue.
> in gedit, ctrl-f, type xy,
> the x goes to the text and only y to the find window,
> depending on how fast you type.
> gedit should remember at least the last 10 documents.
> double-clicking a word should select everything
> from and to space-characters, not stop at numbers.
> search:replace trying to replace all \t by nothing
> and hitting replace again when on the next tab does nothing.
> Places:Popular Documents would be a welcome addition.
> it could remember the 20 most popular documents or more, sortable.
> create folder in list mode often does not let you enter a name.
> places:right-click on an ftp server
> opens the server instead of offering to delete it etc.
> when i create a connection, it doesn't tell
> me there is a link on the desktop, nothing shows.
> during ftp there is often no indication
> that there is still a (list) transfer in progress.
> nautilus is slow and unstable.
> when you ctrl-click on a selected file,
> it doesn't deselect it.
> .css should be opened with gedit by default
> properties:open with:add application does not list gedit
> synaptic is too aggressive, gobbling up all my bandwidth
> so other applications can not use the internet.
> batch jobs, especially when they are in the background
> should leave space and resources for what i am doing.
> also, clicking the search button not always has an effect.
> i see no way of knowing from which repository
> a component/application is coming.
> the progress window when terminal view is opened
> is so low that it's bottom is hidden.
> redo is not greyed out even when it can not be applied.
> the menu System:Administration
> contains applications for managing the system,
> so does Applications:System Tools.
> so i always have to guess what tree to run up
> to find what i need.
> xpdf after opening a document the go-to-last-page button
> is greyed out, and when on the next page
> it just goes to next page. go-to-beginning also
> just moves one page back.
> Network Tools: MiB is not explained.
> is there a place to see actual network traffic speed ?
> can ubuntu warn me when i'm running out of space ?
> still no sound.
> now apparently because i have a tv card too (?)
> kind regards     philippe

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