Firewire HD mount

Egon Bianchet egon.bianchet at
Mon Mar 14 18:11:39 UTC 2005

Il giorno lun, 14/03/2005 alle 12.57 -0500, Byron Poland ha scritto:
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 18:44:52 +0100, Egon Bianchet
> <egon.bianchet at> wrote:
> I have seen this as well.  One solution I believe is to give the
> filesystem on the disk a label, if you are using an ext files system
> you can use e2label.  Once the disk has a label, the mount point will
> be /media/label no matter how or when it is plugged in.  This works
> for me with a USB external hard drive.  I haven't spent the time to
> put labels on some of my others since' I've been away, and haven't had
> them around.

It seems to work, thanks!

Egon Bianchet

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