Shared disks

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Jun 27 19:21:23 UTC 2005

Am Montag, den 27.06.2005, 08:43 -0500 schrieb Pablo Wolter:
> In /etc/fstab add a line like this as root user (in Ubuntu after
> installing root account has NO password so just type: su <ENTER> and
> voila, you're root as ANY user):
this is not true, your root account is disabled, so su is blocked.
please see

> During install, it should ask you to create a normal user account, if
> not, try to login as root in gdm, if you can't log in try to press
> CTL+Alt+Backspace to kill X windows system and go to console, in console
> type:
you cant log in as root via gdm in a default ubuntu install and you cant
install in default mode without creating a initial user.
the OP was just complaining that there is no user selector in the gdm

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