Shared disks
Pablo Wolter
pwolter at
Mon Jun 27 13:43:32 UTC 2005
johan buys wrote:
>I've downloaded a copy of Ubuntu linux and I am very impressed with it,
>but I do however have a major issue with the system:
>1) I don't have access to my windows and other linux disk drives, which
>every other linux system can easily access from the file:/mnt/
In /etc/fstab add a line like this as root user (in Ubuntu after
installing root account has NO password so just type: su <ENTER> and
voila, you're root as ANY user):
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs ro,user,noauto,umask=022
0 0
/dev/hda1: File system (put here where your win Fat partition actually is)
/mnt/win: Mount point (where you want to mount the device)
ntfs: Type (type of filesystem, in your case it should ve vfat, check
mount man page)
ro,user,noauto,umask=022: Options ro= read only (write support to NT
filesystem is experimental yet) user= users can mount the filesystem
noauto=don't mount it at boot time, umask=022 I'm not sure about this
but I cannot mount it without this
0: Dump (check mount man page for know wich is this for, but you should
be ok putting cero, you actually don't need to put another value here)
0: Pass (Same as above)
For more exact details and info: man mount, there you can know all the
possible parameters and their mean.
Then you can mount it doing: mount /mnt/win (change it according yours)
>2) My first login was hard, because the user names where not visible (I
>do however feel more secure in your ubuntu, Debian type linux)
During install, it should ask you to create a normal user account, if
not, try to login as root in gdm, if you can't log in try to press
CTL+Alt+Backspace to kill X windows system and go to console, in console
# whoami
If this is not root, then you have your user name and do this:
# passwd <user name that you get from previous step)
If it is root do:
# useradd -d <home dir> -g <your user name group> -s <shell> <your user
<home dir> = usually /home/<your user name>
<shell> = /bin/bash usually
After that, type:
# passwd <your user name>
Type in a password and confirm it.
Log out and log in with your new created account and see if you can log in.
>The first issue I would like to have resolved soon, because all my data
>is stored on a FAT32 partition. Or else I'll install some other linux
>distribution which shares data from and to windows as I have done before
>installing Ubuntu linux.
hope to understand well your problem, if not, post again and we will see
what we can do.
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