Ubuntu DVI video port support

Matt Patterson matt at v8zman.com
Mon Jul 25 21:47:50 UTC 2005

William Chapman wrote:

>To the Video Gurus in Ubuntu Land,
>I have two Ubuntu systems, one with an older MB (Asus P4T533-C) and a
>GeForce 4 ti4600 nVidia adaptor (from MSI).  The video adaptor has
>both VGA & DVI ports.  I have installed the nVidia drivers per the
>UbuntuStarterGuide and have excellent performance, but only via the
>VGA port; I have never been able "to activate" the DVI port under
>Linux.  I've searched the MSI website and find no Linux drivers.
>Question 1:  Is there a way to get the DVI port going under Ubuntu in
>this setup?  (This may be a MB/bios limitation.)  Any comments would
>be appreciated.
>My other Ubuntu system is a little newer:  a Shuttle SFF box with a
>Sapphire ATI Radeon 9600 Atlantis video adaptor, and the DVI port is
>active immediately at boot-time (probably because of MB/bios support).
>  However, the video adaptor lacks Linux drivers; as far as I can
>tell, only the ATI-made Radeon 9600 boards have Linux drivers
>Question 2:  Is this last statement true?
>(Sorry if this query is a little off-topic, but please forgive me.  I
>am a big Ubuntu supporter!!)
>Many thanks,
>Bill Chapman
Are you using a DVI->VGA adapter. I found that my nvidia card didnt like 
detecting a monitor connected that way if I was using the edid flag 
options for the nvidia driver. If instead of allowing the card to detect 
the spec's of the monitor I simply put in the horizontal and vertical 
refresh specs it worked perfectly. I also found that it doesnt like 
having any other connector plugged in when the dvi connector is in use 
(ie no svideo or vga).

Just thought I might pass along some hints, unfortunately every nvidia 
card seems to be different!


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