a program (i.e. kiax) that works perfectly, but missing some graphics in its interface

Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) y.lesaint at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 12:55:20 UTC 2005

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 21:21:47 +0900
Jeff Co <hanzjordan at gmail.com> wrote:
> How come this software did not come with the picture files? It seems
> to me  to be an essential part of the package. Is there a solution
> that would not  have to be based on guessing? In other words, rather
> than just trying out  installing various packages, I'd rather find out
> what (picture) files kiax  actually seeks and download them somewhere.
> How can I find out what kiax is  looking for (at least in terms of the
> names of the files)?

  Start your command with
    strace command &>$HOME/tmp/run.log
  to get a complete log of system calls.

  Then extract the open() and access() targets with :
    perl -nle 's#^(?:open|access)\("(.*)".*#$1# and print'
$HOME/tmp/run.log | sort | uniq

  And look at the result.

  That may help, good luck.

Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) <y.lesaint at gmail.com>
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