file sharing ubuntu Tiger

David david at
Wed Jul 13 05:43:44 UTC 2005

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 02:44:35PM +0100, Lee Braiden wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 Jul 2005 19:46, Jean-Michel LEON-FOUN-LIN wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got Ubuntu Hoary 5.0.4 installed on a PC laptop. The Netgear
> > WG511T PCMCIA card works fine and lets met go on the internet and
> > communicate with a G5 running Tiger 10.4.1 through a DSL modem/router.
> Linux can share things over apple's own proprietary sharing system.  I forget 
> what that's called, but I used it for Mac-On-Linux without problems.
> As volvoguy mentioned, you definitely don't want to do this unencrypted over 
> the net.  If you must do it, setup a virtual private network, or use ssh.

I've got OSX 10.3 / Ubuntu / Debian Sarge all happening together. 

There is a package called Netatalk which handles appletalk file sharing. 
You MUST have version 2 or greater. Warty still has 1.64 (I think). Sarge 
has version 2.? and that's the one I'm using. I'm not sure what Hoary 

In practice, I've pretty much stopped using netatalk, and I do all my file 
transfers via scp, sftp or rsync -e ..... particularly rsync. Obviously if 
you are trying to set up a file server that isn't really good enough.

OSX has port 22 blocked and does not run sshd by default, so I do all my 
transfers on the mac. That's only because I'm too lazy to set it all up 
properly. There is no reason not to set things up so that you can ssh 
tunnel in all directions. OTOH, rsync, scp and sftp are all standard on 
OSX and Ubuntu. I'm amazed how many web developers don't know about rsync!

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