file sharing ubuntu Tiger

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Tue Jul 12 13:44:35 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 06 Jul 2005 19:46, Jean-Michel LEON-FOUN-LIN wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got Ubuntu Hoary 5.0.4 installed on a PC laptop. The Netgear
> WG511T PCMCIA card works fine and lets met go on the internet and
> communicate with a G5 running Tiger 10.4.1 through a DSL modem/router.

Linux can share things over apple's own proprietary sharing system.  I forget 
what that's called, but I used it for Mac-On-Linux without problems.

As volvoguy mentioned, you definitely don't want to do this unencrypted over 
the net.  If you must do it, setup a virtual private network, or use ssh.

However, I don't know WHY you think that OS X needs access to your home 
directory.  Whatever you're attempting might be more reasonably done in an 
entirely different way, if you give us a higher-level overview of what you're 
trying to achieve.

Lee Braiden
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